Your Family Mediation
Family mediation

How can family mediation help in Northampton?

Deciding to separate or divorce is a huge step to take, and more often than not, it comes with disagreements and stress. Rather than accepting that this is the way things are, why not take a step towards a more mutually agreeable solution with the help of a professional mediator?

Family mediation in Northampton is a popular choice when people want to avoid using expensive solicitors or when you need help to talk to your ex-partner without having a heated exchange. Find out more about what Your Family Mediation can do to help you through this difficult time.

Why Mediation works

Mediation has become increasingly popular over recent years as people look to find a better way to end a relationship, especially when there are children involved. Mediation provides you with the support and the tools you need to remain in control whilst hearing what the other party has to say.

Mediation works because you are given space to air your thoughts and feelings in a neutral location with a professional who will moderate between both sides. People who choose mediation almost always say that it helps them to regain control and achieve an agreeable outcome without having to pay solicitors to argue things out. If this is something that could help you, then get in touch today!

Understanding Family Mediation sessions

One of the biggest issues that we support clients to discuss is how to provide the financial and emotional support that children need when their family home splits. Most parents are keen to do what is best for their children, but each side may have different ideas of what is the best way forward.

When you choose mediation, we can help you to discuss your children’s needs and involve them in the conversation so that everything is properly considered before any arrangement is put in place. Families who use mediation find that the process is far easier than having to attend family court and having the decisions made for them.

Court MIAMs

In some cases, mediation may not be the right option for your needs, but many courts expect people to have tried mediation and provide evidence to show that it is not suitable. We understand that these situations are incredibly difficult to manage, so we offer 24-hour mediation information and assessment meetings (Court MIAMs).

We pride ourselves in being able to offer a 24-hour turnaround to complete C100 certificates that show the court that mediation has been tried and is not suitable and ensure that you get to meet with an FMCA mediator who will sign your documentation so that you can proceed.

Arrange Family Mediation in Northampton today

Deciding to undergo mediation is a huge step during a hugely stressful time, but it does offer to help you find a solution in the most amicable way without the need to rely on solicitors for everything.

Mediation can be arranged at a time that suits you and works to give both parties a way to present their thoughts and feelings in a calm and reasonable way. If you are keen to find out more about mediation or want to arrange a mediation appointment, then our team would be happy to help – just get in touch to get things started.

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